Azure Stream Analytics vs AWS Kinesis Analytics - A Comparison of Real-Time Analytics Services

January 17, 2022


Real-time analytics is an essential aspect of modern data processing. With the fast-paced nature of business these days, instant insights can make or break a company's success. When it comes to real-time analytics services, Azure Stream Analytics and AWS Kinesis Analytics are two of the biggest players in the market. In this article, we will compare these two platforms and help you decide which one is the best for your business needs.

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed real-time analytics service offered by Microsoft on their Azure cloud platform. It allows users to analyze and process vast amounts of real-time data coming from various sources such as IoT devices, web logs, social media, and more. Azure Stream Analytics provides low latency, reliable ingestion, and flexible data processing capabilities, making it a popular choice among businesses.


  • Supports SQL-like queries, giving users the ability to use familiar syntaxes to quickly gain insights.
  • Low-latency processing, resulting in faster data ingestion and analysis.
  • Supports integration with other Azure services like Azure Event Hubs, Azure Service Bus, and Power BI.
  • Comes with a user-friendly web interface, making it easy for users to set up, monitor, and manage their stream analytics jobs.
  • Allows users to create custom functions in C# and JavaScript to process data in any way they want.

AWS Kinesis Analytics

AWS Kinesis Analytics is a serverless real-time analytics service offered by Amazon Web Services. It allows users to easily analyze streaming data and gain meaningful insights into their business operations. Kinesis Analytics can process data from various sources such as web clickstreams, social media, and financial transactions.


  • Supports SQL-like queries, enabling users to analyze streaming data in real-time with the familiarity of SQL.
  • Intuitive user interface allowing users to easily set up and monitor analytics jobs.
  • Integrates with other AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, and Amazon Redshift to provide broader functionality.
  • Offers scalability and flexibility, allowing for runtime adjustments and more rapid data-driven decisions.
  • Has a robust Security and Compliance Framework to secure customer data.


Here is a comparison between the two platforms' features:

Metrics Azure Stream Analytics AWS Kinesis Analytics
SQL-like queries Yes Yes
User interface User-friendly Intuitive
Integration Microsoft Azure-Based Amazon Web Services
Scalability and Flexibility Yes Yes
Security and Compliance Framework Yes Yes


Both Azure Stream Analytics and AWS Kinesis Analytics are powerful players in the real-time analytics market. However, choosing the right one for your business needs can be challenging. The table above provides an overview of the features that both platforms offer. Ultimately, your choice will depend on your business needs, priorities, and budget.

If you want more flexibility and a user-friendly interface, choose Azure Stream Analytics, which provides a consistent set of features and tools that can be accessed from any device. On the other hand, if your focus is on security, then Kinesis Analytics is a better option, providing stronger security and compliance frameworks.


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